Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31, 2009

Yesterday I mentioned that all of the royal bridal bouquets contained a sprig of myrtle from the same plant at Osborne House. Osborne was a favorite residence of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. The Myrtle tree was brought from the Prince's home in Coburg. The picture to the left is the most representative photo I could find of myrtle. When in retail floristry, I often used myrtle on a daily basis. This foliage was sturdy, fairly long lived, and tall. I remember it was most used when trying to achieve height in vase arrangements, particularly vased roses. It was rare to see the white flowers on the myrtle, but I have seen them. I am assuming that this plant has a very limited blooming cycle. It's too bad that most pictures of the royal bouquets are not in close up. The view we have of the bouquets are not in close up, so, it is hard to determine the location of the traditional myrtle sprig. Again, this is a great example of the special touches of meaning and tradition that are part and parcel of royal weddings. This practice of including something meaningful and memorable, such as a piece of jewelry from a relative, or a ladies hanker chief, possibly from ones grandmother, a rosary used by an ancestor, carrying a prayer book or bible... this things make the bouquet special and carry a hint of family nostalgia on the wedding day.
Thanks to my friend Nannette for the comment on the pic from yesterday of Mother and her wedding party. I hope to post more soon.
Hope everyone had a great day. Terry.
Royal Wedding Tidbit for the day... Both Queen Elizabeth II and her mother, the Queen Mother used the Wedding March by Mendelssohn as the processional music at their weddings in Westminster Abbey.

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